Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We better start negotiating...


Those words "We better start negotiating" were our fertility doctor's words to my husband when we went in for our first ultra sound and he said "You better only find one." We had found out in the summer of 2007 that I had PCOS and would need fertility treatments in order to get pregnant. We were very disappointed and discouraged to learn before we had even started to try that we would need help. We had original planned to wait until after our 2nd anniversary to start trying, but with the words of caution that it may take several cycles maybe even up to a year to get pregnant we opted to start right away. We were all surprised to find out I was pregnant after our first IUI, and ironically I was due on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. As we drove in for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks, I asked my husband if he was prepared to have more than one, as it was a possibility, and he was certainly not at all prepared. After uttering the words about negotiating and the screen was flipped on and two beautiful little blobs with little flickers appeared I was certain my husband would pass out right then and there.

My pregnancy wasn't too difficult, but I did have some minor complications and scares along the way. I had 2 trips to the hospital due to bleeding caused by a complete placenta previa. At about 30 weeks, I started having regular contractions and was given drugs to stop them. On May 30th at my weekly non-stress test, my OB said, "I'll see you Monday, don't worry about those 2 big contractions they were like 20 minutes apart." I was almost 35 weeks, he made me promise I could make it 2 more weeks. That evening our first son had bigger and better plans, he was ready to come out and meet his mom and dad, my water broke at 3:30 in the morning! They were born on May 31st, 6 weeks early at about 1:30 in the afternoon, John weighed 5 lbs 14 oz and Luke was 4 lbs 14 oz. Luke was rushed off to the NICU and spent almost 3 weeks learning how to eat. John spent 2 extra days in the hospital before coming home with us.

For the months that I was pregnant, we wondered how we would manage with two, could we really do this? we constantly asked ourselves. We have no family close by, my parents live 4 hours away and my husband's family is 7 hours away. So we often wondered how we would cope with no family support and just the 2 of us with 2 infants.
Here we are almost 10 months later and doing great. I would say our biggest struggle has been sleep. We have one outstanding sleeper and one who just hates sleep, but he keeps us on our toes! I wouldn't trade them for the world. And as crazy as we are, we're thinking of adding another to the mix!

It's absolutely amazing to me just how different they are. John weighs a whole 3 lbs more than his brother now. He is laid back and relaxed and very quiet, just like me. Luke is much smaller, but doesn't let that get in the way, he has the loudest cry ever, he is our professor. Always studying everything, constantly staring off at unknown objects of interest. He's like his dad when it comes to that, a thinker. I look forward to seeing how they will evolve into their own people and enjoy the fact that they are so different already.

The best thing about being a mom is these 2 are great at producing the most wonderful smiles at the perfect moments. They seem to realize when I'm having a rough day or really tired and sometimes I must admit I get frustrated, but one of them will flash me that huge smile and I melt. Boy I'm in big trouble if they realize that as they get older!

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