How wrong we were. Because of scar tissue from my first c-section along with endometriosis, we could not conceive without doing In Vitro Fertilization or IVF. In November of 2007 we transferred two embryos and began to waiting process. We soon found out that both embryos implanted. We were excited but terrified at the thought of double everything; cribs, car seats, strollers, diapers, formula, clothes. Along with this knowledge was the fact that our time, sleep, finances, and a lot else would be cut in half. At a routine ultrasound they discovered that the 2nd sac was empty and at the next ultra sound it was completely gone. We were disappointed but grateful that we had one baby still growing. At 9 weeks we had another Ultrasound and there on the screen were our two little beans growing strong. Our baby b was hiding behind her sister.

After a pretty good pregnancy of no complications and only 2 weeks of bed rest, my two girls arrived at 36 weeks by c-section on June 25th. On my delivery date I measured 48 weeks pregnant and 54 inches around. I was more than ready for these two to make their entrance into the world. They were great weights for twins; 6lbs 8oz and 6lbs 2oz.

After returning to the hospital for congestive heart failure, we settled into a new way of life. We quickly realized that nothing would be "normal" again, so we are settling into a new normal. We are right in the most difficult time I have heard with little to no sleep and plenty of colicky evenings of endless crying. I feel as though I don't have a spare minute to do anything but care for these two babies. They have turned our world upside down and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being a MOM and all that goes with it. I just wish I had time to enjoy it!
The women on The Nest Multiples Message Board have become part of my new full life. They offer guidance, advice, hilarious stories and questions to help make it through this multiples world. In so many ways, they are closer to me than my real life friends because they have all been where I am. I could not make it without these wonderful women.
The women on The Nest Multiples Message Board have become part of my new full life. They offer guidance, advice, hilarious stories and questions to help make it through this multiples world. In so many ways, they are closer to me than my real life friends because they have all been where I am. I could not make it without these wonderful women. babies bottoms say it best
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