Friday, August 22, 2008

Twins - such a joy!

I married in 2002 and tried for a baby for about 2 years when we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I couldn't believe it - how could this happen to me? I was the baby of 6 children and my husband had a child from a previous marriage. We decided to do IVF after thinking about it long and hard. Our IVF Odyssey began in October of 2006. All these shots, appointments, test, etc.... We were amazed when we did the first u/s (at 6 weeks) to see that 2 babies were alive and well. The next feeling was shear panic - two babies at once? How are we going to be able to do this? Are we ready for this? OMG - we have to buy so much stuff? All these thoughts ran through out heads. The pregnancy was so wonderful despite the normal headaches, nosebleeds, and constipation that goes along with it. I felt so fortunate just to be able to carry those precious babies. What a miracle it was for both me and my husband. At first we thought we would end up delivering via C-section because my girl was breech, but then my week 28 they were both head down and stayed that way.

At week 36 my OB/GYN scheduled an induction for week 38 (July the 13th. ) That morning we got to the hospital at 4 am. Looking back I really wished I had eaten a huge breakfast because my next meal wouldn't be until about 9 pm that evening. I was hooked to the pitocin IV and my water was broken at 8 am. The hospital coaxed us into an epidural during this time and it was sit and wait until approximately 5 pm - my progress had been so slow but then immediately shifted to full gear. I was prompted to push and when the first baby crowned - I was already in the OR - and was instructed to push - out came my son who came into the world at 8:44 pm - all 6 lbs 4 oz of him. 4 minutes later my daughter arrived at 5 lbs 7 oz. Both were 21 inches long. They were the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. I tried not to cry because I didn't think I would be able to stop at the miracle of it all.

We were in the hospital for 2 days and we arrived to my mother's house. She was and has been a Godsend all these months. I was allowed to sleep and she kept me nourished for 2 weeks. Finally it was time to go back home and we were on auto-pilot for the next 3 months. Each milestone has been an amazing experience. I look at them now and wonder where the time went? They are no longer little helpless babies, and I'm a little sad that they're no longer so dependant on me. However, I am so excited and happy of our next chapter.

I'm a 37 year old mother of fraternal (boy/girl) twins aged 14 months. I live in Central Florida, and worked full time prior and after delivery, and it has been a challenge. My mother has been their day care provider since they were 3 months old. My organized life came to a screaching halt: 2 hour feedings, diaper changes, shots, sickness, colic, you name it. I took advice from other mother's of multiples online: I asked for help - your family, your friends, your spouse. It's amazing what a half an hour nap can do for your energy and sanity. Hiring someone to clean your house is also worth the investment. Face it - you're not going to be able to "do it all" for at least the first 3 months. Your spouse can benefit from bonding by helping you feed, bathe, etc... make him part of your everyday rituals. We still have to cramp as much "quality" time before bedtime Some of the issues we're dealing with now are things such as educational "toys". Organization is also still an issue for us - we're open to ideas. My biggest challenge has been husband and wife time as well as finding time to lose the baby weight.

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