A little background…..
My husband, Matt and I met each other 28 years ago. We were babies together, we played in the kiddie pool together, and we played road hockey together. Matt’s family moved away when we were about 9 years old. When I went away to University at 19, we reconnected and here we are today!!!
We were married in 2005 and right away I knew I wanted a family. After 6 months of trying I was diagnosed with severe Endometriosis. Here started my journey with infertility treatments. This was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to endure in my life so far. After 2 years of infertility treatments, and 7 IUI’s later we decided that this was our last attempt. Every month I would go in for my blood work and wait for the phone call telling me it was negative. Why was I to think this month would be any different.
I will NEVER forget the phone call that was different….it was positive! I was shaking so hard I could barely dial my husbands number to tell him the news! We were beyond happy.
Our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, and when they told us we were having twins I was in shock. I couldn’t believe that I was pregnant let alone pregnant with two babies! My dream had finally come true….times two!
Our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, and when they told us we were having twins I was in shock. I couldn’t believe that I was pregnant let alone pregnant with two babies! My dream had finally come true….times two!
At 20 weeks we found out we were having two girls. It was the greatest feeling to be able to put two names to the sweet little faces on the ultrasound pictures.
Looking back, I had a really great pregnancy. The first four months I had really bad morning sickness but otherwise I felt great, and I never had to go on bedrest…I was really lucky.
At my 36 week appointment, I remember waddling into the doctors office ready to strike a deal with the him. One more week and then maybe could we start talking induction???? I was so ready to have these babies! After my check up, the doctor informed me that Baby A’s amniotic fluid was lower than he wanted to see it and I was going to be induced the following day! Once again, I was in complete shock….I couldn’t believe I was going to meet my babies the next day.
After 11 hours of labour and 45 minutes of pushing….Olivia Grace, and Ella Georgia were born weighing 5,2 and 5,6. They were born on November 28, 2008 at 36 weeks and 2 days and were healthy and strong and the most beautiful little tiny girls I had ever seen.
At my 36 week appointment, I remember waddling into the doctors office ready to strike a deal with the him. One more week and then maybe could we start talking induction???? I was so ready to have these babies! After my check up, the doctor informed me that Baby A’s amniotic fluid was lower than he wanted to see it and I was going to be induced the following day! Once again, I was in complete shock….I couldn’t believe I was going to meet my babies the next day.
After 11 hours of labour and 45 minutes of pushing….Olivia Grace, and Ella Georgia were born weighing 5,2 and 5,6. They were born on November 28, 2008 at 36 weeks and 2 days and were healthy and strong and the most beautiful little tiny girls I had ever seen.

Olivia and Ella are 4 months old now and every day is different, and crazy, and amazing all in one. There are so many things that I love about being a Mom. I love their smiles, I love their giggles, I love seeing my husband interact with his daughters, I love that they are starting to notice each other…it melts my heart to see that! I love the smell of their heads when I’m feeding them, I love when they hold my hand when we’re snuggling, I love that sometimes I am the only person they want to console them, and I love to see their little personalities coming through more and more every day. Every bedtime when I kiss them goodnight I think of how lucky I am to be their Mommy, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
omg...how cute!
Oh my goodness your babies are so cute! I have 9 month old twins--a boy and a girl. We also dealt with infertility. I think the photo of the girls in their christmas stockings was ingenious! Why didn't I think of that!!! :o)
oh my gosh how funny!!! My twin girls were born Nov 28, 2008 as well and ALSO at 36 weeks and 2 days and ALSO weighing 5'6 and 5'2 how funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
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