It still amazes me every day that I have triplets, what is even more amazing is that I survived the first five years. That is right my babies are five years old and will soon be graduating from preschool and off to big school as they say.
Over the years there have been many ups and downs, virus's and colds but we have made it this far, it can only be up hill from here.
So what advice would I give to new moms, well things do not really get easier, they change, the challenges change and the battles change. You go from being exhausted from lack of sleep to chasing toddlers around the house. Next thing you know they are asking you a million questions and you are always on the go. From Gymnastics to ball practice, there just seems to always be somewhere to go.
So in five years we have had many trips to the ER, one broken arm and I have even gotten away with out children or husband once or twice. (mommy time is much needed)
Take help where you can get it and as for those dumb comments and questions, they do end, or become less frequent as they get older. Smile and know that this too
shall pass.
Enjoy the small things.
Oh gosh, I also have a"basket photo" Happy Bday!
Thanks for signing up for the Grand Opening Giveaway! Come back tomorrow and check if you won! Good Luck!
Thanks for the advice, I am a new mom of 5 month old twin boys!
I am so glad I found this blog. Baby 5 brought baby 6 with her when she entered the world and she hasn't stopped telling when to come and go yet. They are turning 3 soon. I love finding other moms of multiples.
Wow, I love the basket picture!! 5 years, that's great! I'm sure you're receiving a million blessings in heaven! Stopping by from SITS
This is wonderful. I could spend hours looking at all the pictures. This post is wonderful too. Great advice for all mothers. I need to give myself more "mommy time". I am a little jealous. I always wanted more children but it just wasn't in the cards. BIG SIGH. I will just have to come here for my baby fix.
Mine just turned 4 and I cannot believe how fast it happened!!
I'm a new follower...your kids are sooo cute! And your blog is lovely :)
Just gorgeous! Thanks for posting on my blog about my scare today! I always love talking with others who have multiples because I know you gals truly understand me!
Beautiful children.
Appears, we're in the same boat. My trips turned five in June and are heading to Kindergarten in a couple weeks! The first five years went so fast. Those milestones (bottles, walking, talking, potty training, etc.) which seemed like such monumental obstacles have come and gone.........I'm going to add more triplet stuff to my blog in the future.
Oh, I am so glad I found your site! I have a very good friend - and fellow teacher - who had triplets (two girls, one boy) a little over a year ago. I'm sending her your link now because I know she'll just adore it!
I imagine that first day of "big school" is going to be tough on you ... I've been an elementary school teacher for 10 years now, and that first day for kindergarteners is always a sight to see :)
My hat is off to you! Such beautiful children!=)
So cute!!! Thanks for stopping by today...you might want to check out my other blog to enter my contest for the book...
By The Book: How to Take Care of MY Kids.
Thanks again=)
Your children are beautiful! And you are my hero. I can't handle my two and they are five years apart. LOL!
I love the basket picture...so darling! My husband has twin boys who will soon be turning SEVEN....so hard to believe! The challenges definitely don't go away, they just change! But we take the good with the bad and do the best we can.
You are so right....things never really get easier. They just get different. That's the best way to put it. Each stage has its own highs and lows, I'm finding.
oh my gosh your kids are so cute! Just darling! I cant believe they are five too..hahah They grow so fast! Its kinda sad how fast kids grow...they are just precious!
Congrats on your adorable kids
So beautiful family you have! Lovely photos! When my boy was 3 weeks I took him to a photo shoot .I am so glad for that. Memories forever.
Have a nice weekend for you and to your family!
You have beautiful children! Love the basket photo!
What a cute post and I love the photo of the three little ones.
Wow! They are "all grown up"! :) The basket picture is so adorable. Happy birthday!
hey thanx for visiting & ur lovely comments. I am here to follow u. I love ur blog!
I loved reading this post, it is so sweet! thanks again for all your feedback and help! Jody
What a beautiful family and the pictures are adorable! I just found your blog! Come and visit Mama's Little Chick.
Mama Hen
Such lovely photos! It's so cute how all three used to fit in a basket :)
Hello, my twins turned 5 in November. I would like to follow your blog. I added the FOLLOW button on my blog. God Bless..
Thank Goodness they end!! I can't take it sometimes! :))
Oh, so with my twins at 3, I can make it! YAY!! First time reading your blog...
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